Monday, June 28, 2010
Disparate & Multifarious

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Winner, Finally!

Friday, June 18, 2010
My Baby!
Jack will be 15 in a few weeks & just ended his years in middle school. Next year he will be a freshman at my old high school.
Before ending his middle school experience, Jack won a President's Educational Award. Here's a shot of him getting his award.

Besides being a great kid, he is living up to some of my musical expectations by loving bands like The Cure, the Violent Femmes & Bob Marley.
He was recommended by his language art's teacher for a program where he will be studying over the summer and taking a test in August to get credit for & skip 9th grade language arts. If he decides not to do this (it requires a ton of reading and doing reports over the summer) he will be in honors english at high school.
Jack has always had his own sense of style, I don't know too many kids with a top hat, but my Jack has one!

Here's Jack as he left his middle school.

Next up is driver's training...I'm gonna need more xanax!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Musical Monday
What's moving you today? Link up & play along.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday Friends
The first one I have to share is my friend Jeannie, from Jeannie's Happy World. We've been friends for about 3 years now & hers is the first personal blog I ever read. If it wasn't for her, I never would have started blogging.
Jeannie has 3 beautiful children and one hero-soldier husband. After being stationed in Georgia for far too long, Jeannie & her family are about to embark on a great journey to Italy, where her husband will be stationed next.
Jeannie is an amazing cook & a fantastic paper crafter. She specializes in stamping and making beautiful cards.
Stop by Jeannie's Happy World, and tell her that Mimi sent you!

Thursday, June 10, 2010
CSNStores.Com Giveaway!
Here's what the CSNStores.Com has to take about this colander.
"This 3 quart colander is made of enamel on steel with stainless steel rim and handles. Great for straining or simply displaying fruit on the table, this fun colored colander will draw attention to your kitchen. Make a statement in your home with this Calypso Colander by Reston Lloyd. Features:
•Enamel on steel
•Stainless steel rim and handles
•Hand wash only"
This colander comes in an astonishing 14 colors so that you can match it to any decor. They also have a complete line of coordinating pieces that you can add as you see fit.
Here's a shot of it with a regular sized coffee can so you can get some perspective on it's size.
This is the perfect size for family style pasta or just draining a pound of ground round. When it's not in use here I fill it with some fresh fruit & leave it out on the counter. The holes in the colander allow air to circulate around your fruit keeping it fresh and it looks great.
I have no pictures of this as everytime I have brought fruit home & put it in here it gets gobbled up, but that's a good thing, right?
CSNStores.com has been generous enough to offer one of my readers their own Reston Lloyd 3 quart colander in the color of their choice.
How to enter:
Required entry: Click here to see all of the great colors, pick the one that you would like to see in your kitchen & then come back here & tell me what color you choose. (No other entries will count if you do not complete this one.)
Extra entries: (leave additional comment for each extra entry)
Be a follower of Screaming Mimi - 1 entry
Show my button on your side bar - 1 entry
Post about this giveaway on your blog - 2 entries
Tweet the giveaway- may be done once daily - 1 entry (leave direct url to tweet) copy and paste the following:
Enter to win an Reston Lloyd 3 qt. colander - 15 colors to choose from @ Screaming Mimi Blog: http://bit.ly/bvK1Zv
This contest is open the residents of the United States & Canada only.
Entries will be closed at midnight on Friday, June 18th at midnight EST.
*If I can't contact you through a blog, make sure I have an e-mail address in the comments where I can reach you.
Winner will be drawn Saturday June 19th and winner will be notified. If I do not hear back from that winner within 48 hours, I will choose another name.
Winners will be picked by random.org.
Happy looking!

Hop over & check out the Round Robin today at Keeping Up With The Schultz Family!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sorry I've been gone so long. I've been home from the hospital for several days now & just starting to recoup my strength. When I go to the hospital now it's just for pain relief and to "reset" my stomach. They keep me all hopped up on goofballs while I eat custard & other foods usually reserved for people with no teeth. I go back to the U of M Hospital on 7/8 for another appointment with the super-specialist.
When Chris & I went camping a few weeks ago we passed a Hobby Lobby. I'd never been in one, but have heard crafting friends rave about it, so my hubby pulled the old motor-home in and in we went.
I have to say I was underwhelmed. Not because it was bad, but just because this Hobby Lobby is so much like the Michael's I'm used to going to. Same layout. Maybe their owned by the same company.
Anyway, sometimes I just see things that set me off. This was one of them.

I guess the fact that they say pedicure socks make it better, but if I ran into any flip-flop & socks wearing person I'd have to refrain myself.
I've never been a fan of the flip-flops. Don't jump on me, I just can't stand that thing between my toes. I wish I could wear them, their so cute and so prolific now, but I just stick to my rip-off Birkenstocks.
I've got a great giveaway coming tomorrow (hopefully) so check back to win a really cute piece for your kitchen!
If you're a reader, I'm posting lots of new book reviews on Mimi's Year In Books, so click over & check it out!