My week captured thru my camera, un-filtered & un-retouched.
Sunday, January 30 ~ Saturday, February 6, 2011
Sunday |
Oskar posing for his Valentines day card. We got some free cards from Shutterfly, so Oskar is sending them to some of his blogging lady friends. Yes, Oskar has his own
Monday |
Not a picutre I took, but I want everyone to know about the 5th and final
One World One Heart event. Hundreds of bloggers from all over the world connect and get to know each other while offering small door prizes at every stop. It's really magical and I'm so sad that this is the last year. There's still time for you to join in!
Tuesday |
My new purse, it seemed nice & springy to me!
Wednesday |
Yep, snow. After listening to the weather forecasters yowl about this storm, we got 9 out of the expected 18 inches. I know it's worse in other places, but people, this is Michigan. It snows here.
Every single year. Enough with the hysteria.
Thursday |
Love me some Duds! They helped get me through the night.
Friday |
John multitasking while eating 3 pot pies. Notice them stacked all over the table next to him!
Saturday |
Jack arriving home from the mall, having no choice in whether or not I take his picture!
I'm having a little anxiety about this P365, since I see so many pictures of people out and about, at parties, with friends, at church. It makes my life feel so small, but it's a real look inside the life of me, living with my issues. Most of my life takes place in my small house and for now that just has to be OK with me, I guess.
It's not to late to join
Sara for Project 365!