Showing posts with label Kat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kat. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Good Mail

I LOVE getting good mail.  Today I got my True Lemon prize package from my friend Kat, at Inspiration Can Be Found Everywhere

I have used these products in the past & love them, plus I got 2 great waterbottles.  Thanks Kat!

I also got such a really sweet post card from my friend Sara who is on a river trip through Great Britain! 

She said she lit a candle for my health here at York Minster.

Don't I have the bestest online friends?

*programming note ~ I have just started back up with my college classes after a break due to my illness.  I am taking Philosophy of Ethics & HTML programming.  These classes are compressed from 10 weeks to 6 week because I take them in an online format.  I usually don't have problems keeping up with everything, but these 2 classes look like they may just kick my ass, so if you don't see me around as much as usual, please be patient with me.  Prayers wouldn't hurt either!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Great Giveaway At Kat's Place!

My beautiful friend Kat over at Inspiration Can Be Found Everywhere, is hosting her first giveaway.

She's giving away some awesome True Lemon, True Lime, & True Orange products along with 2 Rubbermaid Refill/Reuse BPA free bottles - one is 14 oz. and the other is the 20 oz. size.

I have tried the True Lemon & loved it, so head on over to Kat's & tell her Mimi sent ya!  And make sure to look around while you're there, she's got some great posts about all sorts of stuff.