Today is here, make the most of it. This is my aspiration every morning. Read my bible, clean my house, make a great homemade dinner. Then the little devil on my shoulder whispers ‘take a nap, finish that bestseller, and the kids like frozen pizza!’ School work get shoved aside by web surfing & exercising gets traded for loafing. Motivation has always been one of my weak points and with age and body aches putting things off until tomorrow gets easier with each passing day.
I have a couple of things that will hopefully combat this. 1st Chris moved my computer & workstation from the kitchen onto our sunporch. This is a good choice for many reasons. The kitchen is in the middle of the house, and trying to focus while I could hear people yapping away on both ends of the house didn’t work for me. Also the sunporch, as the name implies, is full of windows that get the morning sun & a great breeze, where as my view in the kitchen was a wall…not inspiring.
Secondly, since the boys are going back to school next week I will have to start getting up earlier. My days of lying in the bed until 10:00 are ending. I guess even as an adult, back to school time signifies time to stop lazing around & get down to business. *sigh*
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008

August 25, 2008
Outside My Window... Oskar, our miniature schnauzer rolling in the grass. Puppy bliss!
I am thinking...How much I am enjoying this cooler weather. It's 71 degrees & breezy here in my part of Michigan.
I am thankful for...The awesome men in my life. My husband of almost 5 years, Chris, JD who is 16 & Jack 13. Oh yeah & Oskar who is 2 ;-)
From the kitchen...Jack & I are gonna make Hobo stew. Basically anything we can find we throw in a stew pot.
I am wearing...An orange tee & khaki capri's
I am creating...A mess

I am going...We went back to school shopping for clothes. No place else planned.
I am reading...When You Are Engulfed In Flames, by David Sedaris
I am hoping...To make reservations to go camping starting on Wednesday.
I am hearing...Crickets even though it is almost 3:00 p.m.
Around the house...Jack is on the computer & JD is trying out new school outfits.
One of my favorite things...Black eyes Susans outside of my computer window
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Getting lots of school work (medical transcription) done.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...The view from my window

Thank you to Peggy at ~The Simple Woman~ for this great daybook idea. You can visit her here
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This Gives Me Chills
Amazing, Marvin Gaye & the U.S. Mens Olympic Basketball team. Marvin's magic is truly missed. Way to go Nike.
Real Friends
I'm not someone who has a lot of friends. For one I'm too cynical, and as a rule I just don't tend to like people.
I have a few friendships that are the forever kind though. One is Mr. Bear.

He has been my friend since I was 6 months old. He smells kind of funny, has a mouth drawn on with marker and only has fur left between the top of his legs and his butt. (Most of the fur is missing as a result of a mummy phase when I covered him in that sticky paper you use to line your cabinets.) As an only child, he truly was my friend. All of my stuffed animals were. To this day I still ascribe human emotions to the stuffed animals I fall for. If someone is mean to them, it hurts my feelings that someone would hurt their feelings.
Another is my husband Chris.

Now I know a lot of people say that their spouse is their best friend, but I am lucky enough to have it be true. We were friends before we dated. Heck we weren't gonna date! I was 2 years older, divorced with 2 sons. Meanwhile Chris was unattached, and lived a fun, spur-of-the-moment life. (He doesn't any more, but that story is for another day!) Why would he tie himself down with this mess (again, another story, another day.)
No one has ever known me as well as Chris and still loved me, emotional issues and all. He is unfailing good & kind in a way I can't even imagine being. I do not, in any way, deserve him, but I thank God every day that he is with me nonetheless.
Now that brings me to Kim...

(Kim who is gonna be mad that her pic is on my blog!) Kim and I are friends in a way that I haven't had before, or since. We met as desk clerks at a hotel & spent boring evenings doing cross-stitch, eating Big Boy & Baskin Robbins & occasionally splitting a pack of Pixie Stix until we were both so sugar high we couldn't stop laughing long enough to check in the guests. (When this happened Kim usually checked in the guest because she has more self control than I do.)
Kim & I are are nothing alike, yet exactly the same. We see the best in each other while neither of us thinks much of ourselves. She saw me through some of the worst times of my life, she knows that I can be selfish & self-serving, but she still loves me.
Kim and her wonderfully perfect daughter Kate made the jump that most of us here in Michigan would like to make and moved to a beautiful place where the pace is slow and Mother Nature lets you in on her most glorious acheivements. A place that I would live in a heartbeat. I've only seen Kim once in about 10 years, but I know that I can call her & she will understand exactly what I'm trying to say. She is the kind of friend who even after all this time apart reads a book, knows that the details of it will speak to me and sends it off to me. This is the once in a lifetime kind of friend that means the world to me.
This is a friend who I love much & miss more.
I have a few friendships that are the forever kind though. One is Mr. Bear.

He has been my friend since I was 6 months old. He smells kind of funny, has a mouth drawn on with marker and only has fur left between the top of his legs and his butt. (Most of the fur is missing as a result of a mummy phase when I covered him in that sticky paper you use to line your cabinets.) As an only child, he truly was my friend. All of my stuffed animals were. To this day I still ascribe human emotions to the stuffed animals I fall for. If someone is mean to them, it hurts my feelings that someone would hurt their feelings.
Another is my husband Chris.

Now I know a lot of people say that their spouse is their best friend, but I am lucky enough to have it be true. We were friends before we dated. Heck we weren't gonna date! I was 2 years older, divorced with 2 sons. Meanwhile Chris was unattached, and lived a fun, spur-of-the-moment life. (He doesn't any more, but that story is for another day!) Why would he tie himself down with this mess (again, another story, another day.)
No one has ever known me as well as Chris and still loved me, emotional issues and all. He is unfailing good & kind in a way I can't even imagine being. I do not, in any way, deserve him, but I thank God every day that he is with me nonetheless.
Now that brings me to Kim...

(Kim who is gonna be mad that her pic is on my blog!) Kim and I are friends in a way that I haven't had before, or since. We met as desk clerks at a hotel & spent boring evenings doing cross-stitch, eating Big Boy & Baskin Robbins & occasionally splitting a pack of Pixie Stix until we were both so sugar high we couldn't stop laughing long enough to check in the guests. (When this happened Kim usually checked in the guest because she has more self control than I do.)
Kim & I are are nothing alike, yet exactly the same. We see the best in each other while neither of us thinks much of ourselves. She saw me through some of the worst times of my life, she knows that I can be selfish & self-serving, but she still loves me.
Kim and her wonderfully perfect daughter Kate made the jump that most of us here in Michigan would like to make and moved to a beautiful place where the pace is slow and Mother Nature lets you in on her most glorious acheivements. A place that I would live in a heartbeat. I've only seen Kim once in about 10 years, but I know that I can call her & she will understand exactly what I'm trying to say. She is the kind of friend who even after all this time apart reads a book, knows that the details of it will speak to me and sends it off to me. This is the once in a lifetime kind of friend that means the world to me.
This is a friend who I love much & miss more.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Round Robin Letters
I just keep stumbling onto more great blogs! It prohibits me from accomplishing actual work, but it does amuse me.
Peggy over at the ~The Simple Woman~ has the great idea to start a round robin type letter group. Groups of about 6 people write letters to each other, each person reading what the first wrote & then adding to it.
I think it would so much fun to find out what issues women across the country are facing. What's it like in their state? Is the way I parent really as different as I think it is? Who has the best brownie recipe?
I love the idea. If you're interested head on over to her blog & sign up so you don't miss out on the fun!
Peggy over at the ~The Simple Woman~ has the great idea to start a round robin type letter group. Groups of about 6 people write letters to each other, each person reading what the first wrote & then adding to it.
I think it would so much fun to find out what issues women across the country are facing. What's it like in their state? Is the way I parent really as different as I think it is? Who has the best brownie recipe?
I love the idea. If you're interested head on over to her blog & sign up so you don't miss out on the fun!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Is It September Yet?
Now obviously I love my boys, but...
I wanna get them out of my house! It's been a kozillion degrees with humidity thru the roof here in Michigan. The boys don't want to ride their bikes or hang out outside, I get that.
But I'm tired of them draped all over the living room, bickering over who gets to watch t.v., play Nintendo/Playstation/Wii/use the computer. While we have every electronic device available to teens there is nothing to do.
They wander into the kitchen (where I sit at my computer trying to do my schoolwork) & stand in front of the fridge, staring at the same contents that were there when they did this 15 minutes before. While we have a stocked fridge, chest freezer, cupboards & pantry, there is apparently never anything to eat here.
Their friends call, drop by, text, IM & send MySpace messages, but there is no one around.
Even the dog looks bored. I know I'll regret this in a few months, but right now I can't wait to get them back in school & have them ignoring & annoying their teachers instead of me.
I wanna get them out of my house! It's been a kozillion degrees with humidity thru the roof here in Michigan. The boys don't want to ride their bikes or hang out outside, I get that.
But I'm tired of them draped all over the living room, bickering over who gets to watch t.v., play Nintendo/Playstation/Wii/use the computer. While we have every electronic device available to teens there is nothing to do.
They wander into the kitchen (where I sit at my computer trying to do my schoolwork) & stand in front of the fridge, staring at the same contents that were there when they did this 15 minutes before. While we have a stocked fridge, chest freezer, cupboards & pantry, there is apparently never anything to eat here.
Their friends call, drop by, text, IM & send MySpace messages, but there is no one around.
Even the dog looks bored. I know I'll regret this in a few months, but right now I can't wait to get them back in school & have them ignoring & annoying their teachers instead of me.
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