I got up early & loved every minute of the royal wedding today. It was a modern fairy tale that really brightened my day. I avoided watching all of the hype leading up to the wedding, so that I wouldn't be sick of it and William & Catherine did not dissapoint me!
I broke my ankle on Easter Sunday falling down the stairs at my grandmother's house. I actually missed the bottom step and came down on my ankle. When I fell, I hit the wall with my head and a bowl that was hanging there landed square on my head. I wish I could have seen myself sitting on the ground with a bowl on my head. Once they knew I was OK, by teen boys got quite a laugh out of the site of me. I'm in a walking bootie that is much better than a cast
I went and saw my friend and amazing artist, Diane from Good Morning Glory and she gave me some wise advice, tough love & hugs that I really needed today. I love you!
Proctor & Gamble is flying me to Dayton in a few weeks to attend the Behind The Paw Influencer Summit for Iams & Eukanuba dog food because of my blog Pet Blogs United. It will be a huge adventure for me to fly by myself and be gone for a couple of days, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Stop by Half By Kissin Time to see all of the other Friday Fragments.