It's extra special because my mom, some of my aunts, some cousins & my grandmother all hand tied this quilt in my mom's living room on a quilting rack that belonged to my mom's ancestors. Everyone who helped tie my quilt signed it.
Oskar loves the quilt too.
To go along with that she made me a matching tree skirt. There is one special square in the skirt for each of us, myself, my husband & John & Jack.
You can see that Moe the cat loves the tree skirt also!
Decorating the tree is a garland made of cloth circles called yo-yos. My mom cut out & hand sewed each of the yo-yos and my other grandmother, who has since passed away, sewed them all together into garlands.
This Christmas is especially important to me since it will be my mom's one year anniversary of having survived breast cancer.
The holidays can be a trying time for me, but being surrounded by my mom's love makes me so happy to have these things in my house every day of the holiday season!
It just doesn't get much more special than that! What a wonderful gift!
Oh my goodness, that is an amazingly special gift! I would love to have something like that made by my mom. Will never happen. My mom isn't crafty AT ALL! My aunt has made tied fleece blankets for us though. It's so precious that your mom made an etire set for you! You are sooo lucky! What a blessing.
What an incredible heirloom!!!! Its all so beautiful!!!!
Every Christmas when you get those gorgeous quilts out - it must give you a warm loving feeling! How special! I love it when someone special makes something for me!
What a beautiful quilt and everything! What's so special about them is that they are from "Mom". Treasure them! I wish I have something like that from my Mom. It would warm my heart to hold it now that she's gone.
Have a wonderful holiday season!!
That is amazing work your Mom has done. Congrats on your Mom's doing well.. Have a nice evening.. I love the quilts my Mom makes them also..
This makes me cry so much! I LOVE quilts, and I've always wanted one. When I was 11 my mom started making me a quilt. She did every single stitch by hand. When I was 15 I still didn't have that quilt because she was still stitching it by hand. I made a comment when I was 17 that she would die before she finished that quilt...I ate my words. She died when I was 24 and still 13 years later hadn't finished the quilt. BUT she was almost done. I decided I would finish it. I had put it in our spare bedroom to do when I had the strength because my moms passing killed me in so many ways. A few months later hurricane Ivan went ripping through Pensacola (where I lived at the time) taking everything we had. By time we were able to get back in our home everything was a complete loss. I lost the quilt she made me, it couldn't be saved at all. I tried so hard.
Oh I love your quilted stuff and your tree...and your house (what I saw of it)....your post was so precious. Thank you for sharing it with us...and for telling me you had posted it. XOXO K
I absolutely love pulling out Christmas stuff for exactly what you're saying. All the handmade stuff carries memories that are priceless.
Of course, nothing I have in my Christmas trunk compares to those beautiful quilted items. Gorgeous!
And, hooray on the surviving cancer part!
Your title alone says it all - and what a wonderful phrase! The quilt is unbelievable!!
Congrats to your Mom!
What an amazing quilt ans tree skirt!! Fabulous! And the yo yo tree garland in just perfect!!!
Congrats to your mom!! That is super!!
How absolutely, utterly priceless! And beautiful ... :)
Those are the kinds of things I love. I'm so sentimental, and you are lucky to have such treasures.
I just added your web page to my favorites. I like reading your posts. Thanks!
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