A week in my life un-filtered & un-retouched.
Sunday, May 22 - Saturday, May 28
Monday -
Chloe showing that size doesn't matter if you're a cat
Tuesday -
Oskar before his summer cut
A new, improved (and much less stinky) Oskar
Wednesday -
The super-burger my husband made himself for dinner
Thursday -
A word verification word that made me think all of the potti mouth words that I've been saying about Blogger lately!
Friday -
Our lilacs bloomed beautifully this year after Chris pruned them last fall, but the cold and the rain did them in almost as soon as they bloomed
Chris & I at Greenfield Villiage
Hop on over to Sara's blog to play along!
I also got this information from Kelly & wanted to share it with any of my readers who might not be on the bone marrow registry. My husband & I did it a few years ago:
Hi! This is Kelly from I've Become My Mother. I am visiting you today to ask for your help in saving the life of a child... Please visit my site and link up to today's post - the link is below. Please post the post on your Facebook. We need to get word out about bone marrow donations... You and others can get tested simply by ordering your free kit and swabbing your mouth - it's that easy to save a life... Please join me to save Haley and others who need our help.. Thank you and God Bless!
Be A Donor Save A Life Urgent Request
Please click over & see how you can help.