Yeah that is a slightly below average way to start the day. I've had it with animals lately too. Maybe we should put my dog and your cats in a room and see what happens.
I am a sassy, social anxiety riddled, bi-polar, mother of 2 twenty-something sons, 2 schnauzer's with a blog & 2 cats. I also have one amazing husband, and a chronic stomach condition that often makes me look pregnant (gastroparesis). I would like to learn how to live life passionately and with true meaning. Until then, anything goes!
My cats are the same way one pukes everywhere and one pees everywhere.Darn kitties
Sounds like a prefect way to start your TGIF. LOL Sorry about the cat messes.
Yeah that is a slightly below average way to start the day.
I've had it with animals lately too. Maybe we should put my dog and your cats in a room and see what happens.
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