Here's what Revell has to say about it.
Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope by Mary Beth Chapman, wife of Christian music artist Steven Curtis Chapman, and co-authored by Ellen Vaughn. In this compelling book, Mary Beth shares a clear message of hope, in spite of her struggles with disappointment, tragedy and grief. Mary Beth’s first-hand story will have you alternately laughing and crying and wishing you lived next-door to the Chapmans.
This book is not an easy book to read, yet I didn't set it down until I had finished it in one setting. We have very close friends who lost their daughter 2 years ago and as a mother myself the sheer honesty about the raw pain they felt is stunning. I read most of this book through tears, but it is just an amazing book.
Not only did the Chapmans lose their daugter, but it was in an accident involving their teenage son, who was driving.
The faith the Chapman family has and the way they have loved each other & been loved by the Christian community is awe inspiring.
I really don't think I can honestly convey how moving this book is, I'm actually somewhat at a loss for words on how good it was. How much anyone who lives in God, doubts God or is unsure of God can actually see faith revealed on the pages of this book. There but for the Grace of God go I.
But this is not just a book of tragedy, it is also a book of celebration of life, family & God. Head out & pick this one up, you will not be sorry.