My week captured thru my camera, un-filtered & un-retouched.
Sunday, January 30 ~ Saturday, February 6, 2011
Sunday |
Oskar posing for his Valentines day card. We got some free cards from Shutterfly, so Oskar is sending them to some of his blogging lady friends. Yes, Oskar has his own
Monday |
Not a picutre I took, but I want everyone to know about the 5th and final
One World One Heart event. Hundreds of bloggers from all over the world connect and get to know each other while offering small door prizes at every stop. It's really magical and I'm so sad that this is the last year. There's still time for you to join in!
Tuesday |
My new purse, it seemed nice & springy to me!
Wednesday |
Yep, snow. After listening to the weather forecasters yowl about this storm, we got 9 out of the expected 18 inches. I know it's worse in other places, but people, this is Michigan. It snows here.
Every single year. Enough with the hysteria.
Thursday |
Love me some Duds! They helped get me through the night.
Friday |
John multitasking while eating 3 pot pies. Notice them stacked all over the table next to him!
Saturday |
Jack arriving home from the mall, having no choice in whether or not I take his picture!
I'm having a little anxiety about this P365, since I see so many pictures of people out and about, at parties, with friends, at church. It makes my life feel so small, but it's a real look inside the life of me, living with my issues. Most of my life takes place in my small house and for now that just has to be OK with me, I guess.
It's not to late to join
Sara for Project 365!
How fun! I love pot pies, too! I love the idea of being surrounded by them!
I do go to work during the week, but my world isn't much bigger than yours. I don't like to shop. I never really go anywhere except church & the occasional restaurant. It's the way I like it! Thank goodness Dr. M takes some fun pictures on his commute.
I LOVE MILK DUDS! I started drooling when I saw the picture :) And I love pot pies too. The ones from KFC are the devil. It's true!
Those pictures are great. Love Oskar's photo. Don't compare yourself to those other bloggers (I know, I would too). You have great photos. I don't even have an exciting enough of a life to take photos of Milk Duds. =) Have a great week & keep taking photos of those everyday things.
Your world is your world and we all get to take a gander at it once a week :). That is what P365 is all about - getting a glimpse into other people's lives. I look forward to your pictures every Saturday (and I'm not a hard-chargin' type, either!).
And I love the purse. I have been looking for one in that color. What kind is it?
look at all the snow. don't judge your life on pictures... homes can be big or small, but it's the size of the love that fills it that means the most
Ahhh - dont feel that way! :( My pictures are normally just the same too - things at work, food, & church .. add in a knitting project every now & then. Your life is special because its YOUR life... dont compare... its easy to get down when you do (believe me)
OK - back to your pictures...I am in LOVE with your purse!!!! I have been on a purse hunt for 6 months! Green calls my name everytime!
Look at Oskar!! What a handsome little man!!!
MMMM.. I love milk duds... my teeth dont :(
ditto what everyone has said!! P365 is not supposed to be hard or cause is just documenting your life. And we love sharing in it!!
I love, love, LOVE milk duds!! Got some in my stocking at Christmas!!!
I love me some milk duds. Oskars Valentine pic was my fav this week. I wish I was one of his lady friends. He is so cute.
always get a kick from oskar...
i only had 2 pics this they all said, no's fun catching up with each other ;)
No worries about this fun's supposed to be fun not hard and if you don't get a pic no worries! I love being able to look back and see what I was thinking on a particular day! Now...moving on! all of the pot pies everywhere, too funny. That will so be my life one day with 2 boys always eating and not getting enough! And I love the duds as well...YUM!
Don't know milk duds, but I'm sure I'd love them. Nothing beats chocolate and caramel. Love them apart and love them more together ;-) Gawd, as you probably know my highlight of the week usually is a visit to the supermarket, while the rest of it I spend up to my knees in horse poo. Compared to that your life is very exciting! Oskar looks good in a tie ;-)
NO worries, some weeks are definitely more low key than others. You're being real with your life, don't wish for someone else's or feel bad you don't have glam photos. I like your peek into your week! Especially the photo of your son with three pot pies and a knife in his mouth! Cracks me up!
I hardly ever leave either, Pam. It bugs me but without kids here, I just don't have the connections out there I used to have.
I will leave to get Milk Duds though. Those are SO good!! Except you have to press on the box to make sure they're soft, not stale before you buy them. LOL
Love the pot pie picture...too funny. I hope the purchase of the new purse really does bring the idea of spring to the snowbound states!! And that Oskar, such a looker!!
Hi Mimi, It's nice to meet you and learn a little about you. Thank you for visiting my blog. Wishing you a wonderful 2011. Warm regards, Susan
Oskar is so handsome in his Valentine Attire...what a cutie.
I love the purse, maybe if we all bring out our spring purses and things winter would move out. I think we ended up getting only half the predicted snow too...thank God.
Lunch sounds nice....glad to meet you.
Cute dog and cute bag!! Looked like a great week! :)
That's one hungry young man!
Love me some milk dud's especially when enjoying a good movie!
PS: Don't stress about taking pictures, we all miss a day or two or three or four, have fun and just go with the flow!
Mimi, we are so glad that you joined, love the diversity in this circle of friends. We have something to learn from each one.
Thank you for sharing about OWOH. I thinking about it.
Jack's hair makes me smile. It reminds me of my sons when they had long hair. One shaved one side and had shoulder-length on the other!
Also smile at the multitasking. That's the world we live in.
Have a good week!
love the green purse!!!!! and 3 pot pies?!? oh my goodness!
Omgosh that Oskar is so cute. I love it. Can you believe all the snow we keep getting. i am tired of the white stuff personally. My pictures are not of parties or anything great. Just my life. It is more for me than anyone else. I would love for some critics to gently help me improve my photography skills, but other than that the pictures I take are for me to remember my day.
Blessed by your blog & your authenticity. So refreshing!!! The pot pies are hilarious & awesome by the way. Love it. A great week. A real week!
Blessings to you!!!
I like your pictures and I like your life and I LOVE YOU! Stop stressin' and comparing yourself to anyone - k??
Cute bag! You have another little pink bag attached...what's that??
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