My beloved computer is dead!!! I am lost without it. I'll be making a trip to the Geek Squad in the morning. Cross your fingers that it's only a superficial wound!!!

Proving that motherhood and a case of the crazies can have a positive outcome and that Diet Pepsi and Xanax do not cancel each other out
It's short...I promise!
Thanks again Pam for sharing your Blog Stage & Spot Light with me...it was fun!
If you would like to participate in this VLOG...head on over to Fort Thompson!
Once upon a time... from Capucha on Vimeo.
Shhh, don't tell Mimi, but I found the hide-a-key she stashed in the front planter. It was buried 3 inches deep, but that didn't pose a problem for me!
It's So Not Mom-a-licious here! I'm sneaking over from my place to get a break from all the tantrums and food and toy throwing!
I will say that I am a little disappointed. I was hoping to raid the fridge and the pantry. Make myself something to snack on since I don't often get to eat the food on my own plate! But it looks as though her two growing boys beat me to it!
Oh well, now I know what to look forward to as my son begins to grow...a bigger food bill!
Speaking of my son, I don't know where he's picking up the things he is! The other day, after bath time, I had him on the couch neked and was getting ready to cloth him and what not. He decided to look out the window for a minute. Next thing I know he is saying (and I swear this is what it sounded like) "rick, rick, rick" - only let's do letter substitution and replace the R with a D. What?! I know, right? That word is not used in this house by either me or the hubs.
I thought there was no way that he was really saying that. Until he stopped and looked down at himself. Coincidence or daycare faux-pas? It better be a coincidence!
Oskar, I don't want to play fetch right now.
So then a couple of weeks ago, my son was having this phase where he would go grab my shirts out of the laundry or off the hangers and place them on his head, or around his neck like a scarf. Awww, cute sometimes. Until....
One day he had one over his head and was walking backwards saying "Beep, beep, beep". You know that sound trucks make when backing up, but that most people associate with a wide-load backing up. What?! That better be a coincidence or just his favorite word for that day. Why all of a sudden do I feel...well, like a wide-load?
Then, literally two days later, he picked up another shirt. It was clean and so I didn't feel like washing a shirt I hadn't worn yet. This turned into a huge tantrum. He wanted that shirt! Only he wasn't screaming "shirt", he was screaming "blanket! blanket!" What?! Now my clothes are big enough to be his blankets?!
Talk about getting a complex from a two year old!
Well, I have to let the dog out and I want to enjoy kicking my feet up on the coffee table to watch a little The Price is Right before I head back over to my place and back to reality. Now if I can just figure out this dang remote!
Thanks Mimi for letting my come over to hang out! Hope you enjoyed your vacation!
I posted it earlier this week, but for all of you "pink ladies" here it is again. The tree I look at all day while at my computer.
Secondly is my fun new craft carrier. The chocolate brown with pink polka dots & accents just makes me smile!
Go see Beverly for more Pink Saturday.
OK, someone showed me this video recently & I laughed until I peed myself. I wonder where those 80's video directors are now?
Remember I did not pick this because of song quality, but to give everyone a good Monday laugh. Watch it until the end, I dare you to sit through the whole thing, lol. At about the 1:20 point is when I start rolling.
I present Billy Squier, Rock Me Tonight.
For more Musical Monday visit Diane or Jori.
During the month of May if you play along with Musical Monday you have the opportunity to win an Amazon or I-tunes gift card. Play along & let them know that Mimi sent you. Then if you refer people who mention you, you get extra chances to win the loot. Cool huh.
So go on, play. Mimi needs her some new tunes!