This was the day after the horrendous Ft. Hood shootings and during the Orlando office shootings. Here is their headline and picture:
EXCLUSIVE: See Jon Gosselin Do Yoga!

Am I being punked? They sent out a mass e-mail so people could see this pasty, pudgy, loser, skeez bag do yoga??
*sigh* I have no words.

I'm with you. We would care about this, why?
Really now? THAT'S news?
I wonder if he was quasi normal before a decade with Kate???
OMWord...that cannot really be his body. YIKE>S
In an effort to be fair, I'd say the magazine was mostly likely printed and mailed before Thursday's events. But that's no excuse. No news day is slow enough to justify wasting newsprint on this story.
Thanks for stopping by Wrenaissance. Your comment lead me here, and I'm enjoying your sense of humor.
Just one word - EWWWWWWW........
~ Jennifer
I am so with Sara and Jennifer... That's exactly what came to mind. EEEEWWW!!!!
I, too, though, wonder if he was sort of normal before 10 years with witchipoo.
Stopping by from SITS!
it amazes me what they consider news-worthy anymore. the other day the cnn headline was that one of the guys in boyz 2 men had h1n1. like, yeah... so does everybody else, like, who cares??? does anyone even listen to boyz 2 men? is that how they even spell it, with a z like that? who knows. i don't even care. lol
i have no opinion on the j&k+8 thing other than her hair is really stupid.
Yeah, that's what I want to see. A certified nitwit meditating. it would be funny if it weren't so gross!
All the while his 8 kids are at home without their dad and his butt's about to get soundly kicked by TLC's lawsuit.
I agree gross...
This is all kinds of disturbing, and yet not surprising. I can't wait until his 15+ minutes are over.
oh yuck I haven't seen that picture
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