Multifarious: having or occurring in great variety.

Proving that motherhood and a case of the crazies can have a positive outcome and that Diet Pepsi and Xanax do not cancel each other out
If you're still reading this really long post, thanks. I have found wonderful friends in the blogging community, & the support I have received helps & means a lot to me.
Alright, so I've caved to peer pressure & started reading Twilight. The boys weren't really interested & I wasn't interested enough to buy them for myself, but sometime last year Jack got the first 2 books from someone. He read the first one & never started the second. I don't think teen boys are their target audience.
Now I really got into the book. I read about half of it last night. Then I was stopped dead in my tracks. He sparkles?? WTF kind of vampire sparkles! I get that they are romanticizing for the little tween girls & housewives, but this made me close the book last night & go to sleep. I'm sure I was muttering disgustedly in my sleep about sparkling.
Interview With A Vampire had pretty vampires & even more homoerotic subtext than even Anne Rice intended, still I didn't see Brad or Tom Sparkle.
I've decided to try to overlook the sparkly part & continue reading, just don't tell Nosferatu, OK?
Sandy wins a 3 month membership to
I hope to be working with JumpStart again in the future, so check back for more!
While you're there make sure & look around her site. She has a perspective that may not be mainstream, but that's part of what makes her so cool.
All you have to do is leave a comment & you will be entered in a drawing to win. Following me will earn you a second entry, just leave me a second comment telling me that you're a follower.
Cut off is midnight Thursday 3/12, eastern standard time & the good old random generator will pick the winner. If I can't contact you through a blog, please make sure I have a way to contact you. Good Luck
The entrance to Storyland.
Designing your house.
When we were planning the wedding I told Chris that I wanted to play a John Denver song as I walked to him in the gazebo. The reaction was instant & negative.
At this point I will say that I absolutely adore John Denver & his early death was heartbreaking. Once Chris heard this song, Annie's Song, he agreed that it was perfect.
I've already said that I think that Lovesong by The Cure is one of the best lovesongs ever. Annie's Song by John Denver ranks just as high up there for me.
I couldn't find a good video of him singing the version that I like, but just listen to the words...
For more Musical Monday visit Diane, or Jori.
1. Dad & Pam, 2. Pinocchio's Pizza farm, 3. WKHS 1962 classmates, 4. Contact line, 5. +[ Johnny Depp: drop dead gorgeous ]+, 6. water droplets in the shower - o.k. bokeh, 7. Untitled, 8. Creme Brule, 9. I loved the movies of Esther Williams, 10. Snowmen family in TX, 11. We did it? Barack Obama won? Yay! Yes We Did!, 12. Late October on Lake Michigan
I May Have To Change Grocery Stores, But I Still Have My Panties
Also, my books feature at the top of the blog has been broken out into it's own blog. Mimi's year in books. I think it will be easier than trying to keep them all in one big post. If you care you can find it here: