Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heads Will Roll


Do you see that little candy? (The one I oh so cleverly made to look like my mousepad kitty is reaching for.)

What do you think when you see that candy? If you're like me you probably think, "oh look a nice refreshing peppermint candy so my breath doesn't smell like Taco Bell."

Well you would be WRONG!

It's a cinnmon candy!! Some evil soul has made narsty cinnamon candies to look just like the beloved peppermint candy (OK, beloved may be pushing it, but I'm on a rant here, so go with me).

I don't like cinnamon candies. Now I have to go find something to wash the cinnamon flavor out of my mouth. When I find out who is responsible for this you'd better watch out!


Anonymous said...

What? I freakin' LOVE those cinnamon candies!

He & Me + 3 said...

My kids love those candies too. I hate when I am expecting one taste and another gross one pops in my mouth. YUCK!

Unknown said...

Looks like the kitty wouldn't mind it. :)

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

I've SO been there!!! I SO prefer the peppermints! Saying hi from SITS!

Jane Anne said...

I am SO with you on this one!

latest post: Wordless Wednesday

Brittany said...

I love those sneaky cinnamon candies! Save it for me!

Sorry it "left a bad taste in your mouth!" :)


Oh honey I am SO with you on this! One time the same thing happened to me - I popped a "peppermint" and got HOT cinnamon instead! It was so hot I spit it right out into my hand. Just horrible!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Kinda late with this comment, but I LOVE cinnamon, lol!

*makes mental note so as to not offend your palate in the future*